
JDO Projects

Project Region District Target Beneficiaries  Donor Year /Status

Cash for work


Lower Juba




893 HHs




2013 /Ongoing

Agriculture Inputs Distributions Middle /Lower Juba Jilib, Afmadow, Hagar 6,666 riverine and rain-fed farmers FAO 2012/Completed


Agriculture inputs distributions Lower Shabelle Sablaale and Kuntunwarey 2750 HHs FAO 2013/ongoing
Support livelihoods &employment opportunities through agricultural production and rehabilitation of canals, construction of market infrastructure


Lower Shabelle Sablaale and Kuntunwarey 150  Cooperative framers DFID / FAO 2013/ongoing
Shoats Restocking to  drought affected Pastoralist Gedo Luuq, Dolow, Baladhawo, Garbaharey 340HHs FAO 2013/Completed
Fodder production Training and Conservations Lower Juba/Lower & Middle Shabelle Afgoye, Jowhar & Afmadow 180 farmers FAO 2013/ongoing
Emergency Irrigation Voucher Middle Juba Jilib 5,000 Riverine farmers FAO 2012/Completed
Integrated livelihood project

( CFW )

Middle Juba Buaale & Sakow 910 vulnerable HHs CHF/OCHA 2012/completed
Emergency water trucking Middle Juba Buaale & Sakow 2750 UNICEF 2009/completed